You're Always on My Mind......... This past June marked 21 years since God called you home. It was three years ago I found out that my beautiful sister whom I searched for through the years had transitioned to a better place. Alisa not a day goes by that you are not somewhere in my subconscious. I just cant get you out of my mind. I yearn for a visit to Baltimore the city where we both met each other through our grandmothers. I still remember the sleepovers. I still remember the music we listened to and the talks we had. I remember our last phone conversation when I learned about your children decades ago. I wish I could see you and talk to you and tell you about mine. I wish we could share stories of how our lives were over the years. A part of me is satisfied in some sense that I get to see your family online through pictures and events that take place. I am so happy that I can send your mom and sister messages and your three beautiful daughters. Sis, there is so much that happens in life that is so unexplainable. I never question. I just know I miss my friend/sister and wish that we could have had some type of reconnection and closure before you went to be with Jesus but there are many we will reconnect with in Heaven one day I surely hope to. All it takes for you to come to mind is a song, perhaps a movie, the holidays, your children, memories and the happenings going on in Baltimore, etc. Just yesterday I found myself browsing street by street on google/maps in the city of Baltimore and each street I went through I wondered if it was a street you knew of or traveled upon one time or another. I even browsed the area you lived in on Oswego Ave. It is like a part of me is still in the city searching for the ones I loved and were a part of my life from the past. We don't really realize how fast time passes, how precious it is and the importance of staying connected to the ones we love because tomorrow is not promised. Sad thing is we can never go back in time and redo anything or relive any parts and we are left with these memories and feelings of what once was. I am trying to get to Baltimore so I can hug your mother, sister, granddaughters and your daughters. I just want to feel the part of you that is in them, it will be sorta like reconnecting to a spirit that I once loved in physical form and continue to love in spirit now that you are in another world than I am in. Your family is precious to me and many don't have a clue as to who I am. I never met them either but I have love for them. I am happy to see them and know they were a part of your life. They got to experience your beauty, personality and see you grow in life and experience things up close and personal. I know they miss you unmeasurably. I love and treasure each picture I see of you. The twins birthday passed back in July and this month is Sherrice's birthday. Alisa I hope you know that I am keeping in contact as much as I can with your babies now three beautiful grown women with children of their own now. Your new precious grandson is so adorable as well as Sherrice's two girls. This entry is helping me feel close to you because for all I know God might let your eyes see and read it and know how I feel about you, things I never got to say to you. Had you been found beforehand I know we would have had a continued place in each other' lives. Continue to enjoy heaven my sister. The world you once lived in physically has changed sooo much. Our time seems short and many more will be added to the count of Heaven in God's timing. What a reunion its going to be when loved ones get to meet back up with loved ones. I don't quite know who it all takes place but I believe in Heaven and that Father God is the Head of it all. I believe the scripture that reads He has prepared a place for the those who believe in him and that in his timing He will come get each of us to be where he is. Hope is real because Jesus is real and until it's our time we live with Faith knowing in our hearts that God's word is real and never comes back void. I am going to sign out of this entry know precious one and until the next entry I love you and always will. Hugs and Kisses, Sherri